Summer 2017 is off and running, and with that the Evangelical Friends Church Mid-America Yearly Meeting (EFC-MAYM) Ministry Center is busy preparing for all of the activities of this Summer! I am Christa Follette and I am the EFC-MAYM Summer Intern. I started serving in this position one week ago, and I am enjoying and soaking in every minute of it. The past week has included much planning and preparation for our summer camps held at Camp Quaker Haven: updating camp counselor information, putting together camp handbooks, loading a van, and calling counselors. I also had a great meeting with the Family Ministries Pastor at Northridge Friends Church to discuss Vacation Bible School and youth programming at Northridge Friends Church. Then, that same day I spend an hour and a half on the phone discussing and hashing out information regarding retreat books, college and young adult programming, Run 4 Missions, and how to use GoogleDocs. This past week was full of a lot of planning, learning about long-term projects, and summer goals, which makes me eager for what the next nine weeks will hold. I have the joy of working alongside many different leaders within our yearly meeting, learning from them, and utilizing my time to serve them and serve with them. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to partner in ministry with EFC-MAYM and Northridge Friends Church.
Christa Follette
EFC-MAYM Summer Intern
Christa, I have had a busy summer as it appears that you also will have had. Lots of work goes behind the scenes so that activities run smoothly. Lots of things that participants do not notice or know about...I was in Wichita several weeks ago attending the FUM Triennial. I'm sorry that I missed the opportunity to look you up and visit with you personally. The Triennial kept me busy! Mike Moyer, Pickett Endowment Coordinator